Who are Climate Reality Leaders?
Climate Reality Leaders are a diverse group of passionate individuals who have come together to solve the greatest challenge of our time i.e. “climate crisis”. These leaders come from all walks of life like activists, educators, cultural leaders, organizers, scientists, or storytellers committed towards building a sustainable future together.
Climate Reality Leaders (CRLs) are personally trained by the Nobel Laureate and former Vice President of USA Al Gore and learn from the world renowned scientists and communicators during Climate Reality Leadership Corps.
How to Become a Climate Reality Leader
You see our climate changing and injustice growing across the planet. You want to make a difference. Join the Climate Reality Leadership Corps of activists and learn how by attending a future Climate Reality Leader training led by Al Gore and a team of world-renowned scientists, activists, innovators, and more.
Bring your courage, commitment, and passion. Leave with the knowledge and tools to shape public opinion, inspire action in your community, and lead the global fight for solutions.
National Coordinators
Our Climate Reality Leaders from India and South Asia are constantly devoted to working towards climate change. Amongst them, some of the Climate Reality Leaders have been enthusiastically and effectively working towards mitigating the climate crisis. These leaders have been chosen and appointed as the National Coordinators who are the flag bearers and experts in various domains. They are also acting as the mentors for other climate reality leaders, guiding them through the way with their experience.