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Elsie Gabriel

National Coordinator

Ocean Conservation

Elsie has been awarded the UNESCO Green Citizen-Ocean Literacy. She is the Founder President Young Environmentalists Programme with focus on youth climate and ocean education programs with focus on Lakshadweep Islands and Mumbai city institutions, while mentoring young adults in Assam,Andaman’s, Sri Lanka, RAWA Malaysia and Maldives.​


Ambassador for India Ocean Quest  

Co Founder Ocean School

Professional Association of Diving Instructors-Advance Diver Director-Poseidon Handicap Scuba

ADEX Speaker


Elsie was invited to the plenary session at UN Ocean Conference Portugal as Speaker where she enforced ocean literacy as the key to ocean conservation and climate mitigation. 


Presently researching on fisherwomen and indigenous women, surfers/Divers as Agents of Change in the ocean education context.

As a Diver her research has taken her to oceans in Galapagos, Philippines, Mexico, Bahamas and Jamaica, Mexico, Lakshadweep, Havelock, Australia, Thailand, Grand Cayman. 


Awarded Golden Award recognition by Maldives Tourism Ministry for launching Accessible Sustainable Tourism with focus on climate justice. She is also the recipient of the Mayors Award Mumbai for Limnology-Powai Lake conservation and recycling of water hyacinths into Eco bricks.


Harvard University Senior Professional Management . Masters Mass Communication and Social Work. PG in Island Development and Biodiversity.  


Cohort Member Women Climate Collective

Member Climate4Women

Member Mumbai Climate Action Project

Ambassador for Peace-Workhardt India 


Author of Book-Get Out Get Going Outdoors launched by the Governor and Mayor of Mumbai ,which aims at promoting wilderness outdoors education and digital detox.

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Elsie Gabriel
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